Tuesday, 27 May 2014

The Lie of The Day

We have an army of youths who have no jobs, nothing to do. We have a lot of them as graduates from tertiary institutions. They are vibrant, able bodied and sincerely want to make a living.

Nobody enjoys being jobless, nobody is lazy, if you take a fish out of water and ask it to climb a tree and it won't be able to, does that mean the fish is lazy? you need to see the fish in its element in water to get your answer.

A lot of people say there is no job but is that true? there are jobs, the types or jobs has changed the issue is that we have not changed with time. There is a lot one can do to make a living, why not take an opportunity like this one offered by Swissgarde to not only make a living but to be a success.

You make as much as you are willing to make, you call the shots in your life, you build your own schedule doing what you would otherwise do for someone for a fraction of the income.

Some say I can't talk to people, well, for guys, you talk about football right? most times you jump into a discussion uninvited and no one stops you, it's the same way, thus time you talk about your products, the business and benefits. It's really that easy and you see people asking you questions which means you have their attention. For the ladies, instead of those beautiful Mexican soap operas (ehmm, yes, I watch them too) talk about Swissgarde.

There are jobs, give yourself a job, give yourself a business, that us the best thing you can do for yourself.

Own yourself, become a Swissgarde Distributor NOW!!! Call 08075341466. Someone is waiting to talk to you.

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